Thursday, August 31, 2006

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

arrested development season 3 on dvd...

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we should do a marathon.

update: see the amazon link for a pretty good jason bateman interview.

since i'm up early today

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World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War (Hardcover)
This title will be released on September 12, 2006.

"The Crisis" nearly wiped out humanity. Brooks (son of Mel Brooks and author of The Zombie Survival Guide, 2003) has taken it upon himself to document the "first hand" experiences and testimonies of those lucky to survive 10 years after the fictitious zombie war. Like a horror fan's version of Studs Terkel's The Good War (1984), the "historical account" format gives Brooks room to explore the zombie plague from numerous different views and characters. In a deadpan voice, Brooks exhaustively details zombie incidents from isolated attacks to full-scale military combat: "what if the enemy can't be shocked and awed? Not just won't, but biologically can't!" With the exception of a weak BAT-21 story in the second act, the "interviews" and personal accounts capture the universal fear of the collapse of society--a living nightmare in which anyone can become a mindless, insatiable predator at a moment's notice. Alas, Brad Pitt's production company has purchased the film rights to the book--while it does have a chronological element, it's more similar to a collection of short stories: it would make for an excellent 24-style TV series or an animated serial. Regardless, horror fans won't be disappointed: like George Romero's Dead trilogy, World War Z is another milestone in the zombie mythos. Carlos Orellana

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

crosslink for zombies and battle pope

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hooray for science

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some of the more interesting articles:

Ancient jewellery points to early origins of language
The discovery of 100,000-year-old shell beads suggests that human language was already well advanced and must have developed earlier than we thought

Muggings were rife in New Stone Age
The first systematic survey of early Neolithic British skulls reveals that life was more violent than anyone expected

Human brains enjoy ongoing evolution
New variants of two brain-development genes have swept through the human population during the last several thousand years, biologists reveal

Free trade may have finished off Neanderthals
Homo sapiens may have driven the previously successful species to extinction by embracing the new concepts of specialisation and trading

Did early humans socialise to avoid getting eaten?
Simulations provide more evidence that hominids may have adapted cooperative behaviours to avoid being eaten by other animals

i couldn't get that last link posted but it's at the bottom of the main page.

Monday, August 28, 2006

cannot look away

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a japanese video called poodle fitness.

i know i'll be having nightmares tonight... *shudder*

if you're into weird guitar

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kaki king

price of a perfect child

from wired magazine, june 2005, page 52-53. i would link to the original story but i can't find it anywhere online at their site:

(click on image below to get the huge 1.9meg jpg)

Sunday, August 27, 2006

new xbox games

i picked up madden 07 and burnout revenge on the 360. my thoughts:

madden looks phenomenal on the 360. i'm having a hard time adjusting to the 360 controls from the ps2 controls. i keep hitting 'y' which is to jump the snapcount whereas i think that it's coverage audible (coverage audible + right to realign the db's). and i keep hitting 'b' by accident which is sprint on the ps2 and is actually change selected player on the xbox. kicking is kind of weird this year. i need to get more practice in for reading coverages. running the ball is much better this year though.

burnout is really fun. i just started playing it yesterday and i've been enjoying it. it's definitely different from mario kart which is what i'm used to. burnout rewards aggressive and dangerous driving, ie driving into oncoming traffic. i'm still trying to figure out how to drift in this game without losing control. yeah good times.

i hope to get some points.

running update: ouch my foot :(

my foot sprain has been acting up on me the past few days. i think i might be out to the boundary of my physical mileage per week without injuring myself even more. it sucks but i think i'll have to wait to heal this injury after the half marathon.

i took it 'easy' today by putting in 90 hard minutes on the elliptical machine. i got to work on my conditioning without all of the impact of outdoor running.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Thursday, August 24, 2006

snakes on a plane

wow, that went above my expectations. would've liked more samuel l jackson versus giant snake end-boss fight climax though.

snakes + the neck = the reptilian win.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

write it down

9 grueling miles in 89 degree heat. i don't ever remember being this exhausted.


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glad to see him working.

i've made a huge mistake..

marathon: alelph one

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a free open source port of the original engine...

and the flame still burns after all of these years with rubicon x.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

snakes on a plane

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samuel l jackson on the daily show

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

about running

so i had that scare with a stress fracture a while ago that was really a foot sprain that took me out for about two weeks.

since then i've been training for the philadelphia distance run half marathon. i think i'm where i want to be right now as far as conditioning. i've stepped it up to running three times a week with a disciplined program where i run shorter but faster-paced runs twice a week on a treadmill and i do a longer distance run outdoors once a week. so far i've been doing really well on it. this week, i'll be doing treadmill runs of 47 and 57 minutes and i hope to get to 9 miles outdoors on sunday.

one thing that becomes really important at these distances is taking care of your rehydration needs. i was going through tons and tons of gatorade every week until i ordered a few month's worth of gatorade powder online at the gatorade online store. the better you replace your sodium and potassium and lost nutrients, the faster your body recovers. or so their commercials and sports hydration specialists tell me.

also important is proper running apparel. like running socks. and compression shorts. yeah. seriously.

only one month left to go.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

xbox, don't leave me like that again

i got my xbox 360 hard drive today in the mail and snapped it on and everything booted up fine and stuff.

selected the profile recovery option to download my profile and stuff. waited a few minutes. profile downloaded and loaded and signed back into xbox live. a fellow goon sent me a message asking me if i wanted to graw.

yeah, it's like that on live. good times.

now i'm just re-downloading all of my games that i bought (hearts, geometry wars, and the graw expansion) and demos (dead rising)...

p.s. my rage against ups burns with the fire of a thousand suns. it actually arrived in philadephia on sunday morning, held it all monday, and finally delivered it today (tuesday). a thousand suns, i say!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Friday, August 11, 2006

for geoff

may not be work safe

puppet rapist

dr miracles

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Wednesday, August 9, 2006



my xbox360 hard drive died in my arms tonight.

7 minutes later on 1-800-4-MY-XBOX at 10:30pm (!!!!), a very nice lady got all my info and is shipping me a new hard drive in the mail. i'll probably get it on monday.

well at least i'm glad i didn't buy dead rising or i'd be stuck with zombie blue balls all weekend.

pbf comics is now at

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Tuesday, August 8, 2006

dead rising weapon guide video

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i lol'ed when he pick a bucket on the zombie's head and then hit the zombie with a shovel.

i'm still on the fence with this game a little.

oh yes, i will have this

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first dead rising review up

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Saturday, August 5, 2006

madden 06 videos from ign

these make me feel much better about preordering like a month ago.

dead rising demo

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i found a katana and then jumped into a crowd of zombies. omg.

Thursday, August 3, 2006

things like this make me sick

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Sometime between Friday night and Sunday morning, burglars broke into the headquarters of Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation in Ardmore and stole money, wristbands - and bottles of lemonade.

"You can't get more despicable than that," said Haverford Township Detective George Christake.

A security camera captured the dark, grainy image of four juveniles as they climbed onto a van parked at a loading dock behind the building, hopped onto the roof, tore off the window screens, and broke into the office of the organization.

The foundation was named for Alex Scott, the 8-year-old who died of neuroblastoma, a childhood cancer, on Aug. 1, 2004, but launched a national fund-raising campaign for cancer research.

Once the burglars were inside, they pried open locked file cabinets looking for money. What they found was a jar of coins and a small amount of cash that children had dropped off Friday night from a lemonade stand fund-raiser.

When the burglars left, they also took bottles of lemonade and rubber wristbands that read, "One cup at a time."

more like sexbox 360, am i right?

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Gears of War launch date revealed!

"Emergance Day" will be Nov. 12, 2006.

standard edition available for $59.99 and a limited collector's edition (with "Destroyed Beauty" art book and a bonus DVD looking at the making of the game in a metal box) available for $69.99


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i just found out that one of my old coworkers from my weblinc days is working at this startup that streams foreign television and movies over the internet.

Wednesday, August 2, 2006