Sunday, May 8, 2005


well i finished the 5k this morning. it was an interesting experience. imagine a sea of tens of thousands of runners/walkers. then imagine running through and with it. first, me and adam couldn't fight our way closer than a block from the starting line. second, we spent most of the first mile in a mild jog. it wasn't until the beginning of the second mile that it opened up a lot. third, i abruptly cut a lot of people off the way i was running through the crowds. fourth, i spent a lot of a energy bursting and sprinting through the crowds early in the race. at the 2.5 mile mark, i went looking for my mushroom boosts and i couldn't find it. :(

my personal time was about 29 minutes, which i guess is ok for this run. i think i could've taken at least 2 or 3 minutes off of it though.

i think i'll run another one in a month or so.

p.s. lots of hawt runner chicks there. hurrrr.

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