Sunday, December 31, 2006


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Among other predictions for the U.S. in 2007:

One in four, 25 percent, anticipates the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Friday, December 29, 2006

race calendar 2007

March 4 Northeast Roadrunners 10K
April ??? Annual 5K for Clean Air
May 6 Broad Street Run 10 Mile
May 13 Komen Philadelphia Race for the Cure 5K
May 20 Philadelphia Bar Association Charities 5K
September ??? The Parkway Run 5K
September 16 Jefferson Hospital Philadelphia Distance Run (half-marathon)
October 28 Northeast Roadrunners 25K Marathon Tuneup
November 18 Philadelphia Marathon & Rothman 8K (also has a half-marathon)

gotta have goals, right?

no, i probably won't do all of these races. the races that i've emboldened are what i'm really looking forward to. i'm hoping to do a half-marathon next year (or two).

i need some of you people to join me next year. it only takes 10 weeks of training 3x a week for 30 minutes each to build up to a 5k.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

it's always sunny in philadelphia

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needs more love. just finished watching the first season and it's omgroflmao.

seasons 1+2 aren't on dvd yet but they're up on itunes. :roll:

you can find them through other illegitimate sources though.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

wii sports dvd cover

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since wii sports doesn't come in a dvd case, you can buy a white wii dvd case from nintendo and print one of these out.

i got five cases from nintendo today. two are unclaimed...

batting .400 these days

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Forty percent of city residents over age 15 are out of work and not collecting unemployment, according to U.S. Census data. One-quarter of Philadelphians live in poverty, which can be difficult to escape.

Computers have become central to most city businesses, yet too many kids can barely read at the grade level for their age group, said Elijah Anderson, an urban sociologist at the University of Pennsylvania. Four of 10 public-school students never earn a diploma, according to a recent report on Philadelphia's dropout epidemic.

this is why your chick-fil-a orders are always messed up.

i feel fat and not sassy

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Over the next 14 years, Karnazes challenged almost every known endurance running limit. He covered 350 miles without sleeping. (It took more than three days.) He ran the first and only marathon to the South Pole (finishing second), and a few months ago, at age 44, he completed 50 marathons in 50 consecutive days, one in each of the 50 states. (The last one was in New York City. After that, he decided to run home to San Francisco.) Karnazes' transformation from a tequila-sodden party animal into an international symbol of human achievement is as educational as it is inspirational.


real time dean map

oh wait, he quit his nyc to sfo run.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Friday, December 22, 2006

nvidia powers next gen virtual booty

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for wii owners who've installed the web browser

Thursday, December 21, 2006

finished rainbow six vegas

good game... probably 8-10 hours to finish? i'm hoping multiplayer is good. it's got co-op!

there's a trend lately with games to have a single player campaign be about 8-12 hours and you're supposed to justify the rest of your $60 with online/local multiplayer.


zelda was kind of a freak: 54 hours of gameplay. that's pretty unbelievable now on a console.

I Wanna Rock You Hard This X-Mas

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by the dan band.

peace on earth, we are the world, freakin cumbaya.

edit: language not safe for work.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

good user comments on youtube

don't exist.

Monday, December 18, 2006

obama is a cb

Obama owes me an apology

After about five questions from different television and newspaper reporters, I stood up to ask mine.

Wait a minute son, this is for professional media only, Obama said to me.

What do you mean? I work for the local paper, I said with a crackling nervous voice.

Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were a college student. You have such a baby face, he said with an unremorseful grin.

At that point everyone in the room turned to look at me and laugh. The 800 people in the lobby laughed as my face was projected on the big screen.

Remembered that girl who I was trying to get with, well she was sitting next to me and guess what she was doing?

Everyone was laughing except me.

The next time I saw that young lady was at another press conference, but this time she was acting as if she never knew me. I think I saw her maybe two more times and each time, it was the cold shoulder.

Thanks to everyone's favorite new senator, I lost big time.

Obama owes me a public apology for making me look like a court jester and for blocking my shot.

obama calls him and apologizes for "ruining his game" and calls her superficial. lol.


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is going to be awesome

wii makes people crazy

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While paying at the register, the man handling the Wii's said very loudly to the line full of people still waiting, "Sorry folks, that's it. There's no more for today." Instantly I started hearing groans and seeing other disappointing gestures. It was then that I realized the position I was I was in line with all these tense guys who didn't get a game system and I did. All at once, I felt their angry, jealous eyes shift focus to me. To them, I was an easy target. But I felt confident that I could deal with angry Christmas shoppers. After all, there were still 2 weeks left of shopping. That's plenty of time to get a Wii.

"Hey, I'll give you triple for what you just paid..."

"There's no way you deserve that game system..."

"You probably don't even know how to play. Here, give it to me. I'll put it to good use..."

Were these people crazy?? Yes, they were. It only went downhill from there. While I was walking toward the exit, unsatisfied customers began to grab at my bag. Just like that! They were acting as if I was just going to give it to them. There was no way anyone was taking this away from me. I was caught off guard in a game of tug-a-war when a security guard intervened and rescued me from the chaos.

He took me outside. And the crowd followed.

The security guard flagged a police car. I thankfully jumped in. And it was a police escort for me and my Wii back to work.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

holiday party pictures

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well i'm glad i camped out for my wii before the hype

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We stopped by the Dedham, MA Best Buy this evening to see what was going on. Although there was no confirmation of any PS3s on premises, they did have a printout with a confirmed count of 24 Wiis. At 1AM there were only 14 people waiting outside, however three of them were willing to sell their spots. Alicia, Morgan and Norman are ready to give up their spot for $75. Alicia says, "As college students you're going to be doing stupid stuff anyway, at least this way we'll be making money off of it."

new arcade fire song

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called "Intervention" from their upcoming album.

thanks to geoff for the heads up.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

just finished zelda

in about 54 hours.

wow, what a game. the epic final fight was pretty much everything you'd expect for a zelda game. the ending is not very straightforward though...

Thursday, December 14, 2006

zelda update

47 hours in. 7 dungeons down. if i decide to forge ahead and skip all the side stuff, i think this is a 50-51 hour game.

also, omg the 7th dungeon boss fight.... wow.

super lions!

Source: (

Marooned on an island, this group of lions should have died out. Instead, in an evolutionary twist, they've learned to swim and become strong enough to tackle their only prey... giant buffalo

when in danger, they join up and form a large robot.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

philly squeeze

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bulboff's accordian band

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

ching chong ching chong!

Source: (

HEY, all you Chinese-speakers out there in TV land - Rosie O'Donnell thinks you should get a sense of humor! The Asian-American Journalists Association was fuming after O'Donnell went on "The View" Thursday and said that Danny DeVito's drunk turn on the show days earlier was "international news! In China it was like, 'Ching chong, ching-ching-chong, Danny DeVito!' " In a statement yesterday, the AAJA said, "We consider this a mockery of the Chinese language and, in effect, a perpetration of stereotypes of Asian-Americans as foreigners or second-class citizens. The use of the distorted phrases is insulting to the Chinese and Chinese-Americans, and gives the impression that they are a group that is substandard to English-speaking people." But a rep for O'Donnell said, "She's a comedian in addition to being a talk show co-host. I certainly hope that one day they will be able to grasp her humor."

(i like how her rep spins it that the blame is on us for it not being funny.)

i'm not offended as an asian american.

i'm offended as a follower of the comedy arts. i'd expect ching chong ching chong from the trash that rides septa and inhabitants of philadelphia public schools. i wouldn't expect it from a "comedian" or at least somebody who derives their livelihood from trying to be funny.

one, as a joke, it's not funny at all. there's no substance or zing to it.

two, i mean come on, it's even clever or original. as a comedian, you want to be clever and original; that's how you separate yourself from the wannabes. in fact, i'm ching chonging right now.

here's how i would tell that same joke:

"international news! In China it was like the sounds of silverware falling down the stairs and you'd hear Danny DeVito's name every few seconds!"

Monday, December 11, 2006


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we've topped 2005's record season and we still have 3 weeks left!!!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

i have a gamecube for sale

this thing has been sitting in the corner of my living floor for the past 3 weeks. :(

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

we're not unreasonable

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click on play the song

All we want to do is eat your brains
We're not unreasonable, I mean, no one's gonna eat your eyes
All we want to do is eat your brains
We're at an impasse here, maybe we should compromise:
If you open up the doors
We'll all come inside and eat your brains


i haven't done any running since the marathon relay two and a half weeks ago. part of it is to let my right ankle soreness and left foot sprain to heal (both of these feel much better now). another part of it is that walking down stairs gives me pain in my left knee lately. i have no idea what it is but it started after the marathon relay. :/

probably some sort of tendinitis. i wish i knew a sports therapist.

i'm hoping it heals up so i can get back to running a little bit on the treadmill this winter. i have great plans to join the half-marathon tier next year.

p.s. i feel fat.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

you don't throw in lito's direction at the end of the game!

Source: (

when will opposing teams learn?

this is like the second or third time this season that lito sheppard picked off a pass to end a game.

Monday, December 4, 2006

halo 3 commercial

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omg. not actual gameplay though.

team pam or team karen

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i read somewhere that women choose team pam and men choose team karen.


i'm on team karen because i like drama. and comedy. dramedy.

Sunday, December 3, 2006

nature is horrible

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just finished ffiv advance


i think i bought it like last winter but never got around to finishing it until today at my parents' house.

i rolled in there with a level 60+ party and took zeromus down a notch.

Saturday, December 2, 2006

i like achewood

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getting it is half the fun.